An antagonist of family intimacy is the lack of dialog. It is common that over the years, relationship crises, the emigration of children, traumatic experiences in family life, and even emotional states result in the loss of the couple’s intimacy. Therefore, there is an imperious need to restore intimate dialog and for restoration of trust, the mutual expressions of love and the exchange of courtesies.
"Husbands and wives should feel it their privilege and their duty to reserve for the privacy of each other’s society the interchange of love tokens between themselves." In Heavenly Places, p. 207. Husbands and wives must be able to develop such sensitivity that they can recognize the inner echo of their "second self", even in the midst of social turbulence, and the circumstances around them. Many times, husbands and wives who cultivated their intimacy through long years of coexistence, converge in thoughts, ideas, appreciations, concepts and judgments, in such a way that when being expressed by one of them, the other responds with satisfaction: "I was thinking the same thing."
No husband or wife should allow their intimacy to rust. She must have an imperative existence and a positive impact in all the mutual coexistence. The couple must constantly feed their intimacy so that it is renewed and it overcomes the wear and tear to which it is frequently subjected, it must maintain firm control so that it is not invaded by any foreign element, and it must be revitalized by caring looks, kind words, gentle attitudes, and motivating actions.
In some aspects, modernism and technology have become antagonists of the marriage’s intimacy. For example, some decades ago the couple could enjoy soft music or an interesting dialog before sleeping, but today, each one is in their own world, attached to their Smartphone, without dialog, thus breaking the intimacy, or better, transferring it from their spouse to social networks. Some psychologists call this phenomenon "syndrome of the coming break", which is verified when people are together, but there is no dialog.
By Júlio Sandoya - Brasil