
Second International Conference of Women’s Ministry

The General Conference Family Ministry,  and the Colombian Union Family Department, understanding the sacred purpose of GOD towards women with respect to their commitment and responsibility to the family and society and being aware that the greatest part of the church members  is made up of women, it is pleased, to announce the Second International Women’s Conference to be held in Colombia, under the following guidelines:

Motto: “Woman, It is Time to Shine”

Participants: As the event is mainly aimed at the women’s ministry, male assistance will be conditioned only for those who receive an invitation to collaborate in the kitchen and other administrative aspects of the congress.

The attendance of children is totally restricted, and if due to insurmountable circumstances, a mother cannot have her children looked after by her parents or relatives for those six days, they must be registered and pay the same fee as an adult ($ 260,000). This is a regulation set by the administration of the El Redil Camp, who will be in charge of controlling the entrance to the event.

Date: June 30 to July 5, 2020.

Attendance Fee: € 95 or US$ 100 or $260,000 COP. This amount covers lodging, food, conference attendance and accident insurance (mandatory) for the days of the event.

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