The church has been organised and subdivided in different departments in order to serve you better. Each department has its own leader and team. They work together to provide material for the church, plan activities, and visit each country when necessary. Each department holds conferences and seminaries in the countries where is needed the most.
Some departments operate mainly within the church and with the members while other departments work mostly with unbelievers and people in general. Each department has its own working plan and try with their small budget to supply the needs of the church and to serve in the best they can.
The leaders of the departments within the General Conference have accepted the responsibility before God and men to do all possible to spread the gospel in the whole world. Their task is to establish guidelines, to develop practical methods and ideas, and to give inspiration to the departments of the unions and fields so the entire organism lives, functions, and moves forward dynamically.
The departments of the General Conference down to the lowest level should mesh together as cogs of a wheel, for only through this cooperative work, in which one department complements the other, can an effective work be done worldwide. When the smallest wheel in a clock breaks down, the best, most beautiful clock will stop. The Holy Scriptures say that when one member suffers, all the others suffer with it, which means the whole body is sick.
It is expected that all parts or organs of the organizational body work harmoniously together, as in our body one member serves another in order to maintain life.
The General Conference contains the following departments:
Leader: Pr. Gustavo Castellanos
This department is in charge of the distribution of spiritual and health literature around the world. They educate and organize literature evangelists, who distribute and sell books and other missionary materials. The department arranges seminars and symposiums in different parts of the world. To contact the Literature Evangelism Department, please use the email address [email protected].
Leader: Sister Margie Seely
This department has been formed for the purpose of fostering and promoting Christian education among church members and in society. It is responsible for the program and curriculum of our formal educational institutions in different countries around the world. New schools are currently being established in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. The department also provides online study programs and instruction for homeschooling environments upon request.
To contact the department, please use the email address [email protected].
Visit Educational Department website at
Leader: Pr. Pablo Hunger
This department has been formed in order to organize and facilitate evangelism activities all around the world. One of the major objectives of this denomination is to spread the gospel and encourage believers to be active in the commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, the department arranges evangelism seminars and symposiums to educate our churches in systems and methods of evangelism. In addition, the department holds missionary crusades and public outreach programs. To contact the department, please use the email address [email protected].
Leader: Pr. Adalicio Fontes
This department was formed in order to foster and serve members and non-members of the church in an effort to promote healthy and happy family relationships. Furthermore, the department holds family conferences and symposiums, offering education on a variety of family topics such as premarital counseling, problem-solving, and education of children. To contact the department, please use the email address [email protected].
Good Samaritan
Leader: Pr. Morris Lowe
This department was formed inspired by the parable of our Lord Jesus in Luke 10. It responds to needs of church members and communities caused by emergencies such as natural disasters, poverty, or sickness. Recognized as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization registered in Italy, Germany, the U.S.A., and other countries around the world, this entity collects donations for specific purposes and aid projects, primarily for third world countries. Unlike some charity organizations, all coworkers of this department are volunteers or paid by church funds in order to ensure that 100% of the donations are used for the intended purpose. Complete information about current projects and the work of the department may be obtained from their webpage or by sending an email to [email protected].
Leader: Pr. Idel Suárez
This department was formed in order to promote a healthy lifestyle among members and non-members of the church. It organizes educational seminars and lectures all around the world. In addition, the department publishes articles and books with instructions on nutrition and other important health factors reflected in the Bible. It provides education on how to prevent unhealthy habits and how to use natural methods of healing. To contact the department, please use the email address [email protected].
Ministerial Department / Ministerial Research Institute
Leader: Pr. Danilo Monterroso
This department was formed for the purpose of researching and publishing materials related to questions on doctrinal subjects. Their members organize and conduct doctrinal seminars and symposiums all around the world. They also establish the curriculum for our missionary schools and supervise their operations. In addition, the department publishes Sabbath School Lessons, Week of Prayer readings, articles, and books on doctrinal subjects. To contact the department, please use the email addresses [email protected].
Leader: Br. Omar Monterroso
This department was formed with the mission of preparing multimedia materials and broadcasting sermons, seminars, and other media productions for use by members and non-members of the church. Taking care of webpages as well as the church’s YouTube channel and library, livestreaming, and recordings, the members serve other departments of the denomination. To contact the department, please use the email address [email protected].
Leader: Pr. Yapci Trujillo
This department was formed considering the importance that music ministry deserves in supporting and enhancing the church’s mission in the world. Music, when rightly used, can be a great power for good. The purpose of the Music Department is to promote sacred worship and to strengthen and encourage church members in the use of their musical talents. It also provides education and instruction in the effective use of music in the services of the church. To contact the department, please use the email address [email protected].
Leader: Sister Raquel Orce
This department was formed for the purpose of creating literature for use by members and non-members of the organization. Publications include Sabbath School Lessons, hymnals, manuals, doctrinal materials, books, cookbooks, magazines, leaflets, and Bible correspondence courses. For a complete picture of the activities and to obtain an overview of all publications available from the department, please request a catalog using the email address [email protected].
Leader: Pr. Woonsan Kang
This department was formed considering the great need of care and attention towards the youth–members and non-members of the church. The experienced team of the department organizes youth conferences and seminars all around the world. In addition, the department publishes a newsletter and facilitates communication through their webpage (English) and (Spanish). To contact the department, please use the email address [email protected].
Visit GC Youth website