The New Year Message 2024 of International Missionary Society’s President, Pastor Tzvetan Petkov, was published on YouTube in English ( and in Spanish (, the Secretarial Department of the General Conference at the IMS announced today, on January 2, 2024. In the New Year Message 2024, Pastor Tzvetan Petkov mentioned some of the main Christian achievements the Church of God reached under the Lord’s grace in the last mandate period of six years: 11,5 percent of spiritual Christian growth, as of the number of church members, as well as wonderful and blessed educational and medical institutions, such as the Christian university in Guatemala, Central America, which will allow its students to graduate with bachelor degree, the Christian institute in Tanzania, East Africa, and the Carlos Kozel medical clinic in Peru, South America.

Pastor Tzvetan Petkov was born in 1962 in the city of Shoumen, Bulgaria. In 1990 to 1992, he graduated in theology at the Bethany Christian Missionary School at IMS in Neckarsteinach-Darsberg, Germany, and served the Lord faithfully in Sweden, Germany and in the USA, including as General Conference Secretary, Vice President, Director of Ministerial Department and President. In addition, Pastor Tzvetan Petkov graduated in wood carving at the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria, at the end of the nineties of the 20. century.

Pastor Tzvetan Petkov during a Christian seminar; a photo from the personal archive of Pastor Tzvetan Petkov on Facebook.

Written by Margarit Zhekov