The new leadership of the Peruvian Union at the IMS was elected last week during the reorganization conference held, a video published on the Facebook site SMI Union Peruana confirmed: The new Peruvian Union President is Pastor Santos Saldaña Montoya and the new Vice-President is Pastor Victor Carbajal. In addition, Pastor Humberto Avellaneda, the General Conference Vice-President at the IMS, revealed yesterday during the ten missionary minutes at the Christian Sabbath School the good news that the first Christians at the International Missionary Society (IMS) were baptized in Egypt and many interested souls were gained in Asia, Europe and Oceania as well.  Furthermore, an outstanding sermon under the title “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26) was preached yesterday, on Sabbath, September 21, 2024, by Pastor Tzvetan Petkov, General Conference President at the IMS, as second part of the Christian worship service on the day of the Lord.

The video contains both the Sabbath School lesson, the presentation of the new Peruvian Union leadership and the sermon by Pastor Tzvetan Petkov.

In his sermon, just according to God’s instruction in Isaiah 40:1, Pastor Tzvetan Petkov underlined the biblical truth that we should not be discouraged, because the events do not happen according our expectations, and that the spiritual victory is gained by God’s power and Spirit (according to Philippians 2:13), but not by human carnal spirit. In addition, Pastor Tzvetan Petkov gave the example of the victory of God’s people over Jericho gained via God’s methods, but not by human ones, such as the apostle Peter’s defense with knife before the arrest of Christ or Moses’ defense toward God’s people by killing an Egyptian. Furthermore, Pastor Tzvetan Petkov mentioned the example of the prophet Jonah who in the beginning had a failure in doing God’s will, however, the Lord did not reject him as servant, but motivated him through additional experiences to do His will.

Pastor Tzvetan Petkov greeting the newly elected leadership of Peruvian Union at the IMS; a photo by SMI Union Peruana.

Written by Margarit Zhekov