The inauguration ceremony of the international Carlos Kozel Clinic for naturopathy was held on May 5, 2024, in Huaral, Peru, the Facebook site SMI - Unión Peruana confirmed via a published video about the event: In his speech regarding the inauguration, Pastor Tzvetan Petkov, General Conference President at the IMS, emphasized the biblical truth from Genesis 2:4, John 9:6-7 and Mark 28:23-25 that God created the heavens and the earth and later, after the original sin of Adam and Eve, He used the health reform revealed by the Spirit of Prophecy for the mankind as part of God’s plan of salvation He had created before the creation. Pastor Tzvetan Petkov underlined as well that the idea of the IMS is to build other clinics of this kind in other countries around the world where medical doctors in naturopathy should be educated.
In addition, Pastor Tzvetan Petkov thanked all the brethren who participated in this wonderful project for their excellent collaboration and he explained the role of Pastor Carlos Kozel for the development of the naturopathy at the IMS. Pastor Antenor Terrones Leon, Peruvian Union President welcomed all the guests and explained, confirming the nice experience Pastor Tzvetan Petkov mentioned before on the subject, the wonderful way the Lord use to help His church for this project.
Pastor Tzvetan Petkov, General Conference President at the IMS, and Pastor Antenor Terrones Leon, Peruvian Union President at the IMS, in front of the Carlos Kozel Clinic; a photo by SMI – Union Peruana.
Written by Margarit Zhekov