A very important analysis of occultism and spiritualism was presented during a Q&A session at the IMS by Pastor Tzvetan Petkov, General Conference President of IMS, on July 1, 2024, a video published on the Facebook site IMS SDA GC confirmed: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=485562283956362. Pastor Douglas Francis, General Conference President Counselor at the IMS, was the moderator of the event.

Pastor Tzvetan Petkov explained through the testimonies of the Spirit of Prophecy the relation between some innocently looking practices, such as palm reading, astrology, yoga exercises, even theater going, membership in secret societies, and the occultism and the sun worship, emphasizing that this kind of practices, being a deception, are Lucifer’s introduction to the second part of the occultism leading to idol worship and having the only goal to let human persons offend God by accepting unclean spirits and finally miss the heaven.

In addition, Pastor Tzvetan Petkov underlined God’s warning about the uselessness of the occult practices, compared to the salvation of Christ, in Isaiah 47:1-15, and prayed for the Lord’s protection in His people’s favor against the snares of the evil one.

Pastor Tzvetan Petkov and his daughter Anna after her baptism; a photo from the personal archive of Pastor Tzvetan Petkov.

 Written by Margarit Zhekov