Eager-to-get-busy children surrounded by colorful food as well as anxious parents and an expectant general public waited for the “get ready, get set, go” at the Master Chef 2018 contest in Barcelona.
The children looked beautiful with their brightly-colored chef's outfits, some even handmade. The tables with kitchen instruments in place for each participant and the mass of rainbow-colored ingredients provided a spectacle that nobody wanted to miss.
Master Chef Kids is a contest organized by the Children’s Department of the Spanish Field as part of the program of the annualconference. This year I was invited to organize it, and I feel very blessed by the beautiful experience. We had the participation of 20 children from all over the country between 4 and 14 years. Children between 4 and 8 years participated in pairs, while those 9 and above worked by themselves.
“The first study of the young should be to know themselves and how to keep their bodies in health” (Child Guidance, p. 103).
This contest proceeded like this: The children arrived at a small store, where they chose from all kinds of fruits, vegetables, legumes, healthyful fats, and tubers, put what they needed into their baskets, and went to their places. Some foods were previously cooked to save time and avoid accidents among the children. An adult team assisted those who needed help with blending and sauteing foods. The older children prepared a main dish and salad; and the little ones, a breakfast. Each dish was to be creative, nutritionally balanced, and taste good, and, finally, be pleasing to the eye.
As time raced by, we saw hands work quickly, as each participant concentrated totally on food preparation. The couples alsoworked well and presented delicious breakfasts. The jury approached and asked some questions. The public also shared some tips on the preparation of food. Suddenly: "hands up" indicated that the time had ended. So, one by one, the participants presented their dishes to the jury. The names were very creative. There were salad combinations that I would never have dreamed of. After the deliberation of the jury, children received recognition for their participation as well as some prizes. We finished by tasting the dishes; everything was delicious.
The purpose of this activity is to encourage children to eat balanced meals wherever they are. We believe that this eventsuccessfully honored and glorified God. We look forward to the next contest, this time with the participation of entire families.
“To cook well, to present healthful food upon the table in an inviting manner, requires intelligence and experience. The one who prepares the food that is to be placed in our stomachs, to be converted into blood to nourish the system, occupies a most important and elevated position” (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 252).
I invite all Unions and Fields to include this type of event in their activity program. It's fun to learn with the children, and the entire event will be a great blessing for everyone.
For more information, write to the Education Department via email. Ixzelt Aldana
By Ixzelt Aldana